Vishal Kakati

Head of operations | Psychiatric Social Worker

Vishal Kakati is a Psychiatric Social Worker with Umeed Wellness. Holding a master's degree in Social Work, he is also a Member of the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP). He also worked with the Government of NCT, Delhi on several projects related to substance use disorders. Vishal has not only been instrumental in running the centre but has also been a friend to all our fellow people in recovery. Over the past five years, Vishal has consistently brought a culture of comfort and openness to the centre. He is equipped with academic knowledge and practical application to help others. He worked on connection aids to bring more awareness and attention to the right set of knowledge. Project Cigrencil, to create a platform of charity for the education of children who have lost their parents to a substance use disorder. Project School Health Clinics, to facilitate the empirical knowledge of age and peer pressure relationships introduction to substances in School Children. Vishal’s journey of sobriety and belief in the possibility for everyone has always been his driving force.

PHONE:- +91 997 190 8875

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